
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sekarang :)

Sekarang rasanya aku lebih tegar..
Sekarang ada kau..

Tak perlu banyak bicara..
Karena kita bisa mengerti,hanya lewat mata..


Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel

When I see your smile
Tears roll down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay woah, stay woah

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

*Lagu kebangsaan untuk 080709 :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gak Semua yang Kita Inginkan Bisa Didapatkan

Merasa jd orang paling beruntung sedunia??Eits..tunggu dulu. Coba dipikirin lagi de. Emank beneran apa yg kamu inginkan smw nya jd kenyataan sehingga kamu menganggap “I’m Luckiest person”??
Gak kan?? Atau malah kamu merasa kamu paling unlucky krn byk hal kamu inginkan Cuma mimpi belaka?? Koq jadi ngerasa “kejamnya dunia” ya??
Seharusnya kamu gak mikir gtu, krn pasti ada saat2 dimana kamu merasa kecewa atau sedih karena “something” yg kamu inginkan ternyata bukan jatah kamu tu.. Tapi disitu la letak seninya hidup. Pernah ngebayangin gak klw seandainya apa yang kamu inginkan semua bisa jadi kenyataan?? Bakal runyam de tu urusannya.
Misalnya ne ya, kamu pengen jadi juara kelas, temen kamu juga pengen, yg laen juga pada pengen, walhasil sekelas tu pada nempatin posisi juara. Apakah hal itu bisa bikin kamu bahagia?? Gak kan..Wong semua org bisa, jadi gda rasa puas atw bangganya. Jadi disini kamu kehilangan seni kompetisinya. Kehilangan usaha keras untuk mencapai sesuatu. Padahal paling seneng kan rasanya bisa dapatin sesuatu (klw mank jatah) dari hasil jerih payah sendiri.
Bayangin lagi klw semua capres dan cawapres yg ikutan pemilu tu smw bakal dapetin apa yg mereka inginkan, mw jadi apa Negara qt? Satu pemimpin aja udh kelabakan, konon lagi klw keroyokan.
Udh gtu ne contoh bwt para remaja masa kini (emank nda masa kpn??hehehe..). Misalnya kamu naksir seseorang, kan kamu pengen tu dy jadi “soulmate” kamu, nah ternyata ada 5 org lain yg juga punya perasaan sama ke dy. Nah lo! Mw dipolipacarkah anda??
Jadi seharusnya qt malah bersyukur dengan keadaan yg sekarang ini. Gak semua yg qt inginkan bs qt dapatkan.. Karena gk smw yg qt inginkan tu terbaek bwt qt. Bisa jadi qt lagi di uji oleh Allah, sebatas manakah kesabaran qt bwt terus berusaha. Klw mank ujung2nya tetap gk dpt, yakin de klw Allah pasti udh nyiapin “ganti” yg lebih baek (biarpun kamu gak merasa). Allah kan lebih tw apa yg pantas dan gak pantas bwt makhluk-Nya. We just work hard and pray. For a result, let ALLAH decides. Do u agree with me??

24 agust 2008 ( 22 : 41 )

Monday, June 8, 2009

Semua Rasa...






Linkin Park - Leave Out All the Rest

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here
So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Don't be afraid
I've taking my beating
I've shared what I've been
I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that ive done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the restLeave out all the rest

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that ive done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are

Jason Mraz - Lucky

Do you hear me,I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the airI'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

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Miyoko Hirohata
Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia
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